Barbies… and death…

That’s the note I found this afternoon tucked among all my writing—an oversized, yellow Post-it note that just says Barbies…and death…

It’s my handwriting… I’m sure I had a brilliant thought at some point, and apparently I was confident that note would trigger said brilliance when I stumbled across it much, much later. But, for now, I’m stuck sitting here, staring at that piece of paper and wondering what in the world I was thinking about the day I scribbled Barbies…and death… on a piece of paper.

On a completely related note, I was sitting on the toilet Saturday morning, scrolling through Facebook and I had a thought. It was a great thought that I wanted to write down. A beautiful turn of phrase or maybe just an anecdote I wanted to remember to include in my current writing project. I considered texting it to myself, but then I got distracted looking through my “Memories.”

Ah, one year earlier we were also at the Miami Book Fair!

And how has it been seven years since we went to California with Matt’s parents?!?

And then… my thought was gone.

This happens sometimes, but the thought usually comes back to me at some point, and I recognize it—like how something you encounter during the day may remind you of something you dreamed the night before. Kind of like that. So for two days, I’ve alternated between trying to remember what I was thinking about while sitting on the toilet and trying not to think about it in hopes it will just randomly pop right back into my mind. So far, no luck.

Lesson learned, I guess. Make notes IMMEDIATELY, but make them detailed notes for the love of God… and Barbies… and death.