To pronounce it right or wrong. That is the question.

I got a new car today and now I have a big decision to make:

Am I going to pronounce the brand of the car “correctly”? Or am I going to pronounce the car brand the way I wish the car brand was pronounced?

Decisions, decisions.

And, no I didn’t get a Porsche….

I am the proud owner of a beautiful Audi A3 convertible.

(White, of course.)

The salesman tried to tell me about a silver A3 out on the lot, to which I replied, “I didn’t come here to discuss silver cars.”

Now, what I want to call my car is an “Audi”…. just like it’s written. Like Audrey, but not.

What everyone else wants to call it is “Audi”… very much like “outie”…like a protruding belly-button.

If I do cave to peer pressure…. know I’m not happy about referring to my pretty car as a homonym for an umbilical hernia.

Comment (1)

  1. Rita

    I like calling it an Outie. I have no idea how to properly pronounce it. I just know for certain that it’s not an Innie. Amd thinking of it as an Outie makes me smile.
    Your weird friend,

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