Damn! Two Times!

Happy May 1st!

My April Camp NaNoWriMo adventure is over…

I surpassed my goal of writing 18,000 words in April and ended up typing about 22,000 words. That’s all fine and good – but it makes think that if I ever tried to do the real November NaNoWriMo of 50,000 words – I might fail dismally.

In all fairness to myself… we had family visit in April (first Aunt Flo, then my brother and Matt’s sister, and then Aunt Flo again). In total, I had SEVEN days in which I wrote ZERO words. Excuses, excuses…

In discussing my unfortunate menstrual cycle with Matt, I explained how I sometimes wind up being blessed with two excruciating days in one calendar month.

“Oh, kind of like depending on how the pay cycle falls – sometimes I get three checks in a month instead of two?”

“Yeah – except an extra pay check is nice. An extra period – not so much.”

May Goal: Finish typing up/re-writing my first draft so I can edit like a mad-woman in June.

Now back to work!

Current Word Count: 65,098