If Writing is Rewriting, Then I guess I’ve Been Writing…

I have been busily typing away – essentially re-writing the manuscript that I’ve been working on… for years. I’m doing the April Camp NaNoWriMo – and I am loving watching the bar graph climb closer and closer to my 30-day goal.

(I’m going to have to have Matt create me something with his infinite Excel knowledge so I can keep updating my word count and watching charts and graphs morph into a sense of completion.)

I’ve arrived at the conclusion that I’m averaging about 5000 words per week – which equates to about two LETTERS per minute.

This realization has left me with the profound sense of – WHAT THE HELL DO I DO ALL DAY?

Another head-scratcher… I have COMPLETELY restructured my book. (I called it “my book” – I don’t do that very often.) I have cut huge sections of the story and added entire chapters, but I am still hovering at the same pace as my first draft.

EXAMPLE: Last night I finished the chapter about September 11th. (Not THE September 11th, just a random September 11th.) In my first draft, that chapter started on PAGE 86 and ended on PAGE 91. The new September 11th chapter – in my new and improved version – started on PAGE 84 and ended on – you guessed it PAGE 91.

So, I sit here typing two LETTERS a minute and ending up in essentially the same place that I started?!? What the what?!?

Current Word Count: 58,618