The Miami Book Fair

On Saturday, Matt and I scooted our way across the state to go to the 2017 Miami Book Fair.

We really went to see Joyce Maynard (Labor Day, At Home in the World, To Die For – and lots more). I took a writing workshop with Joyce about this time last year and wanted to see her talk about her newest memoir The Best of Us.

The book fair is hosted by Miami Dade College and many of the readings/book discussions take place in regular-ole college classrooms. Matt and I arrived early for Joyce’s discussion – an hour-long time block that she shared with Anne Fadiman and Madeleine Blais.

We parked ourselves outside the classroom doors while we waited for the previous session to end – and I couldn’t help but scan the halls for Joyce. I wondered if the authors would really just come sauntering up the same hallway where all of us common-folk were waiting. (They did.)

I don’t know why, but I thought the presenting authors would maybe be ushered in the back way like a rock musician or even a comedian. But alas, it was a classroom – and I’ve not been in too many classrooms that have back entrances for the rich and famous.

Then, while Matt and I were waiting in line to get our books signed (maybe I felt a little pressure to buy the other two women’s books), there was an author standing right in front of us. He actually had to leave Joyce’s line before he made it all the way up to her so he could go discuss his book in another room. We talked to him and his wife – like actual back and forth words. And then there was another author in line to get books signed – a guy Matt’s seen on TV before(!), and then we ate our BBQ brisket sandwich at the same table as another author (as noted by his red wristband as opposed to our lowly green ones…)

All these authors – just walking around like regular people, mingling with us wannabes.

I left feeling some combination of awestruck and jealous and hopeful and discouraged and tired and the jury’s still out on if we’ll go back next year or not… The brisket was very good.

Comment (1)

  1. Sarah Deschamps

    Tara, you are an author too. Don’t be intimidated by them being published. That is your next step, and it will happen. Red wrist band (and more awesome brisket) with “wannabes” being excited to be at your and Matt’s table very soon. No back door needed, we are all just people sharing our craft and our beliefs. Cheers!

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