Here we go again…

Welcome to my new blogging endeavor!welcome

I was feeling like a fraud with my old real estate blog because I’m not really Realtor-ing anymore…

The truth is, I don’t know what I’m doing right now.

I’m fumbling through life not really working, but not exactly not working. I’m a stay at home pug-mom. I spend one disorienting day a week sitting in a model home that looks a whole lot like my house. I do laundry. I sometimes compose marketing material for other Realtors. On occasion, I make whipped cream from scratch. If I’m really bored – I may pretend to clean my house. But, mostly I sit hunched over my computer WRITING!

It’s not easy for me to tell you that. I’ve been a closeted ‘writer’ for a long time. (I literally used to have a writing desk in my closet.) I’ve been filling cute notebooks with random musings for the past 15+ years. And, as of late, I’ve compiled 80,000 words that will hopefully someday be a book while physical books still exist.

I’ve come to realize that I am happiest on the days that I write – and even more elated on days that I share my writing. So, in my continued efforts to write every day, I’m breathing new life into my blogging self.

Keep an eye out for updates on my writing progress, pug-mommying, sales-center sitting, and whipped cream making.

Until next time,

Tara Lynn Win(field)


Comments (9)

  1. Jayme

    Can’t wait to read more and read the big adventure!

  2. Sharon Jones

    I loved it. Nothing but the truth so keep doing what your doing and entertain us.

  3. Marianne

    Talk to Tara Kulash on Facebook. She got her journalist degree but right now is wandering about Europe. She did internships at the st Louis post and the Oregonian. Maybe some writing for the local papers? I would love to read your writing.

  4. Vivian Valdes

    Good for you! Follow your dream with little pearl on your lap!

    Vivian Valdes

  5. Sam Shueh

    I got into writing local history etc after I realize I have value to share with others. The first one “South Santa Clara County” took about 3 years to make it happen. The publisher called asked me to write a regional book entitled “Silicon Valley”. After radio show, local book signing, Tim Cook etc I even wrote a couple chapters on how baby boomers turn their silver hair into $$-gold… I had 4 books out. At this moment I help others to get their books ready for review etc. Doubt I will write anymore books any more. I do hand out a 25-30 page review on some interesting people people have forgotten.
    All my royalties rec’d go to charity. Good luck. Sam Shueh

  6. Sarah

    Congrats, Tara!

  7. Charlie

    Good job, friend! Looking forward to your blog posts. I will purchase your actual, physical, real-life book when it’s published. Then you can write the forward for mine. But I am about 79,980 words behind you!

  8. Pam Costa

    Pure Awesomeness! So grateful to be a part of your journey. Lots of Love <3

  9. Mary Brown

    As long as you’re happy that is all that matters. Enjoy life, it’s a treasure denied to so many.

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